Tuesday 6 April 2010

Summer Breeze Top is finished!

Yes, it's finally completed & I am pleased with how it's turned out.  There are a few things I would do differently next time (yes I will be making another one) 

1. I will not be making the "band" as big - I measured around the middle of my boobs and should have done the average of that bit and my body.  Once sown together, the back "hung" so a plan of action was needed as I could not unpick the whole lot, so what I did was to gather the front from armpit to armpit.

2. I will make the straps 2 or 3 chains thicker but not as thick as the pattern suggested (14)  I made 7 chains but 10 would have been better.

3. I will make the strap length smaller as I followed what the pattern suggested and painstakingly had to unpick them both and reduce the length and stitch them back!  So next time it will be 14 inches.

4. I will not be doing the suggested back flap again.  Can't see the point, but I have done it on this one.  I suppose you could make it into a "feature" as they suggest putting buttons down this and I might make some small flowers and put them down this bit, but I am not sure yet.

 I decided to add some crochet flowers.....
....Instead of the suggested buttons.


  1. WHAT!!! finished already, it looks great and you must be ever so proud of your self.

    Last night I was using my borrowed library books to practice stiches and enjoyed myself no end. It was ever so cool to be making something and saying to myself, oh I know this stitch, oh so this is what the call treble :) etc. I have no pic to show because at the end of every small item I made I unraveled and started something else. Doing little mini projects certainly helped me remember the name of the stitches I was using better and it was nice to complete a project by folowing a pattern.

    The only thing is I appeared to have picked up two books from differing countries. So remind me, one of the books have single crochet but the other book appears to be referring to the same stitch as a double crochet, can you help me make sense of it all.

  2. Well done Kella! That's a good idea to help to remind you of the different stitches. Mini Projects are the way to go by the sounds of it.

    If you have a look to the left of this page there is a section I have added called "crochet conversion UK to US - that should help you with your problem. Our DC is their SC so our TC is there DC - that's where I went wrong at the begining of my vintage throw as I started with DC and then realised it was a US pattern so I should have been working in TC!!
    There is alot of help with stitches on You Tube but again remember if it's from the US you have to convert it in your head.

  3. Thanks Ali for the clarification, I'll check out your conversion chart guide.

  4. Wow! Look at you! I'm SERIOUSLY impressed! I'm still rattling away doing granny squares and ripply things and wouldn't even dream of making something to wear. Eventually, maybe, but I'm not that confident just yet. Blimey - you go, girl!!!

  5. Goodness, you are a whirlwind.. It looks fab even if you would change things..

  6. Thought I would share this with you: http://abigailscraftshowto.com/2010/03/amigurumi-basics-crochet-a-ball-make-an-owl-or-pufferfish/

  7. Mrs Jones - believe me I was NOT confident when I first tried it on and it was all TOO big and then when I adjusted that, the straps too long etc.!! However I am now pleased with how it's turned out.

    apieceofwood - woosh! I can't do anything else with my foot the way it is so I crochet pretty much all day so it's no surprise this was finished in a few days.

    Kella - thanks for the link - interesting website which I will look into further later on.

  8. Ali it's fabulous, you really are a natural. I am struggling with one of the squares from '200 blocks' Florence throw is finished and photo's of the cutie wrapped in it on my blog. By the way i have noticed that you aren't getting updates as I changed the title and Kella pointed out that the URL is now different, so you may have to change it on your link.
    I posted about the Lavender here :-

  9. Hiya! I found your blog through Kella's, I love the colours on your blanket, its looking stunning, and I'm doing the Sea Breeze top at the minute! I didn't do the flap, I thought It'd be too bulky, but I don't think I'm using a big enough hook for the main part of it, I didn't want it too holey but its not as full as I'd like. I LOVE your idea of flowers on the front straps too, very nice!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!