Monday 5 April 2010

Sea Breeze Crochet Top Progress

It was a better day than the weather man predicted, so it was definately dog walking weather.  I also felt up to having a bit of fresh air, so I hobbled out the front of the house, whilst hubby & dogs used the tradesmans entrance!!  We are lucky to have a very large park 2 minutes walk around the back of the house and that in turn leads onto greenbelt and small holdings so we can really get a good walk in.  However due to my disposition and Perdita's pulled muscle, we just took the path up to the old hospital and back.

Once home, I continued to crochet the Sea Breeze top.  As you can see here, this is the back view.  You can probably just make out the pin at the top of the overhang??
Well I tried it on yesterday, and it was almost a perfect fit.  It was a little large across the back, so I unpicked the previously sown up edge and re stitched it.  It was a bit of a disaster to start of with as I had neatly sown in the ends, and then couldn't find them so I was worried that I would be cutting the stitches!!  But I got there in the end.  I have left a long "tail" of wool which I have wound around a safety pin so it can be (a) tried on again and (b) easily adjusted later on.  A lesson learnt - don't sow ends in until you have had a fitting!!

This is the front view.  The "bodice" part now measures approximately 7 inches, so just another 7 or 8 to go!  Then its the straps left + buttons to decorate.

That will probably be finished today then.

What colour should I do next????

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!