Tuesday 2 March 2010

My First day of retirement.....

Yes, I am a very lucky girl, and I finished work at the ripe old age of XX on Friday 26th February 2010, so that made Monday 1st March 2010 my first official day off forever!

What did I do?  Well I road my bike to the garden centre, on the way I discovered a new bedding plant nursery, said hello to a horse and then cycled home through the smallholdings to tidy up the garden and then I decided to...

Above is the Danish Square that I completed.  I had to add an extra row at the edge so it would fit in with my current squares.  This is the text book finish....

Next is the Chocolate Box Square....

& the Mini Granny Square

Front of and

Back of

And finally I attempted the Sunray


I have started another one, so keep "hooked" to this blog


  1. "...said hello to a horse..." hee heee heee you do make me laugh! sounds bliss your day. hope today is proving just as peaceful and fulfilling xx

  2. Sounds like MY kind of retirement! Wicked squares - well done...

  3. Happy retirement wishes sent your way. your crocheting is really good, well done.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!