Wednesday 3 March 2010

Day 3

Had an early morning alarm call this morning as my other half had to get up to go to the office - so the alarm was set for 6.15!  ARRRGGGHHH - whilst he stumbled out of bed, I offered to go and make him a cuppa.

That meant that I had an extra long morning to myself!
This is what happened next:

  • Out came the bike
  • Cycled to the smallholdings and back
  • Put bike away in shed
  • Got chopping carrots (see allotment blog for full story)
  • Went to utility room to organise for an afternoon of sowing seeds
  • Couldn't find the gravel trays
  • Went up to the bathroom to check what the chitting potatoes were put in (also see allotment blog)
  • Not there
  • Must be at allotment
  • Got bike out
  • Cycled to allotment
  • Eventually found trays
  • Cycled home
  • Put bike away again
  • Put trays in the utility room
  • Came upstairs to update Crochet Blog whilst eating Brunch!
Now that I have caught my breath again, these are the two (sorry only two) that I made yesterday...

This is called the Star Flower Square

And this is called the Edwardian Fancy

And here is the pile of squares that is yet to be added to the blanket!

I might do that next actually to see what's next to do.  I don't want to go and make all fancy squares now, as the middle bit is mainly granny squares, so best to have a tally up!

Also, I am waiting for the wool shop to call me to say that my green wool has arrived.  At the moment I am having to work without green!


  1. Ali they are gorgeous. I always lay my squares out and plan it out with lots of plain in between the granny squares before I crochet it together. I'm sure they will look fabulous.

  2. i am amazed at your energy and commitment. the most i ever managed was knitting a pair of mittens for my nephew 8 years ago!

    I would love to be able to knit or crochet but i just don't have the patience to do anything at the moment. maybe when i have finished studying!

    you really are an inspiration!


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