Thursday 11 March 2010

The hardest crochet square yet....

The one that has pushed me to the top of my limits is the

Difficulty rating 3 - yes 3!!

This one has been a challenge.
Rows 1 to 5 were fine, but adding the square to the back of the flower proved challenging.

Yes, this little flower in a square had me frustrated, confused, re reading the pattern, re reading the re read pattern, undo-ing a row, and another, re reading the pattern again and then it clicked into place!

I also spent alot of time joining squares yesterday (on top of digging etc. at the allotment see and my blanket is now 9 squares by 8 squares with another 7 ready to go!

Also, I received this FAB parcel of hearts yesterday.....

Which were intended for presents, but when I opened the parcel and peeled off the lovely tissue (very beautifully presented) and saw what was inside, i couldn't bear to part with them, so I have hung them around my house!
If you would like to see more beautifully made hearts, 
 go to


  1. Well done for sticking at it, I'm sure you feel very proud of your accomplishments especially since it was a difficult one.

  2. Oh Ali, that square is so beautiful, well done you for persevering and getting it right. You are becoming a pro at this crocheting. You must have a look at the book I got today, it's got 100 flowers to knit and crochet, they look fab, but probably not all easy.(posting a link on my craft blog,side column)
    Also I want to thank you for the mention of the hearts, I am so chuffed that you liked them so much that you can't bear to part with them.

  3. That square is absolutely beautiful, but I fear it's a little beyond me as I haven't yet figured out how to crochet a circle into a square haha :)


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