Friday 12 March 2010

2 weeks today.....

...Yes, it's been two weeks already, and I can't believe where the time has gone!

I have been so busy
  • cooking
  • cycling
  • gardening
  • leaf clearing
  • hospital appointments
  • hairdressers
  • food shopping
  • cleaning
  • dog walking &
  • crocheting!!
Just to mention a few things!

Back to Crochet - I attempted a few squares last night and this is the result

I started with a simple granny square as there was something good on the T.V.

I then progressed to a difficultly level 2  This is called the Willow

This is called Patriotic and in the book it's in Red, White & Blue
Difficulty level 3

Then I decided to do a left to right square, not a round and round one (for a change)

I stupidly chose a difficulty rating of 3 which is not good to start with, but I made it to the end.
I must admit, I prefer the round and round ones, but I think I should start to make a few more
left to right ones.


  1. Round ones are very addictive though! I've finally finished my black cushion which is made from v simple 2 round grannies and I think it looks really effective.

  2. You are steaming through these squares.. can't wait to see the finished blanket!

  3. Ooohhhh they are fabulous, but I have to say they also look a bit tricky to make. I was looking through my new 100 flowers book last night, they too look a bit complicated, but I can't wait to try one.
    Have a great week-end Ali x

  4. You make me feel guilty for not spending more time on this craft but with my fill plate I don't see how I could fit in much more so I'll just have to admire yours and others like Maureen and Mrs Jones.

  5. Mrs Jones - does that make us addicts then?

    apieceofwood - Me too - I going to lay it out on the bed today to see how much more there is to go!

    Maureen - Can you let me know the full details of your book please so I can look it up on Amazon - I did have a look in a charity shop yesterday, but no luck - I did however find another book that I bought for you, so will post it next week!

    Kella - Don't feel guilty - you have two lovely daughthers to bring up - If I had children I wouldn't even have begun to crochet or spend so much time at the allotment!!

    I hope you all have a good weekend.

  6. Ali thanks for reminding me, I do sometimes beat myself up for not being able to accomplish more.

    Then I remember correctly that the days when I always seemed to accomplish all my projects were before kids.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!