Wednesday 24 February 2010

This is how it all started......

I was inocently sitting there watching the telly, when this advert came on
"The Art of Crochet"

It convinced you that after spending 99p on the 1st issue, you would, by the time you have parted with several more lots of £2.99  per week, that you would have crocheted yourself a rather stylish

So off I went to the news agents to buy Issue 1.
Then I went the next week to buy Issue 2,
and the next to buy Issue 3,
and the week after that to buy Issue 4......

Yes, and please pardon the pun, but I was "hooked"

Unfortunately the magazine squares were not quenching my appetite for my newly found crochet skills in good time, so I rumaged in the cupboard and found some baby wool that I had left over from a previous knitting project.  I didn't take to knitting (again a self taught project) as well as I thought and didn't enjoy it that much.

My friend Dorjana was having a baby in a few weeks time, so I got to work on a Granny Square Blanket.....

Not a very good photo, I know, but it looked FAB and Dorjana and Baby Chloe love it!

I love Crochet.

I love Allotments.

I love blogging!


  1. So nice to have someone else doing these as well! Love the blog!!

  2. Thanks for your comment apieceofwood. Much appreciated. I love to follow your blog. Keep up the good work.x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!