Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Big Blanket......

It started with a granny square made from leftover hat and scarf wool by Stylecraft.  It's called Kon-Tiki and comes in a range of lovely Autumnal colours....

The square grew and grew....

And when that square was finished, I started another....

And another....

I visited the Wool Shop which is nice and local, for some more supplies, and I saw this new colour "Paprika" so I picked up a few balls of this.....

I then fancied a change, so I started some Treble Crochet Squares....

And another variety, a Plain Ridge...

And a plain ridge with multi colours.....

I then read on the WWW - the font of alot of knowledge, that it's best to join a few squares together as this could get boring if you had to do 200 at once, so I made a start....

And did some more.....

This is the joining as it would show from the front - giving the blanket that nice "rustic" look

And this is the join from the reverse....

It's February 24th today and apart from 10 or 12 squares yet to add, this is the blanket so far.....

 More to come soon....


  1. Hi Ali, I'm so glad you made a separate blog for your crochet. It looks lovely, I also love the colours you have chosen for your blanket, they are so nice and warm looking.
    This blog is so nicely laid out, I like the background.
    I read somewhere in a magazine today (in W.H.Smiths) that crochet has had the biggest revival this year since the 1960's. Everyone is at it ! it's so nice though to be able to pick it up and just do a bit then leave it down again. I see you follow 'Attic24' as well, it's a very inspirational blog isn't it ?
    I can't wait to see more.

  2. Wow! That's gorgeous. The colors really complement each other. I'm woefully inadequate when it comes to crochet. I have yet to complete a single granny square. They keep nosediving off into weird shapes!

    Got crochet cherries down to a fine art though!

  3. Hiya Mo & Steel,

    Thank you both for your comments. I am glad too that I have started a separate blog for my crochet. I am pondering if I should take my crochet posts off my allotment blog?? What do you both think?

    Steel - can you post your crochet cherries pattern to follow - sounds interesting!!

    Ali x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!