Sunday 27 September 2015

September is taken over by Crochet Mania!

Do you remember this Crochet duckling that I made in the summer?  Did I have a premonition that it would have been made for a purpose?  Well I must have done as Daffy was the only survivor of a last & final hatch and needed a friend.


My friend "up North" wanted a storage saver bag & she posted a photo on pinterest.  Could I resist the challenge?  No of course not!

So I used up my leftover super chunky yarns by DMC Natura XL and came up with this.

Don't ask me for the patter as I didn't write it down.  I just made it up as I went.

Homework for week 2 at Sherborne Crochet Workshop was to make a jar cosy

Didnt they do well?

I rewarded them with making Granny Squares in week 3

And here they are concentrating on reading their patterns.

The same went for my class in Week 3 taught from my classroom in Shillingstone

Granny Squares!

Here's some I made earlier.

Again the concentration is there

 In my last ever workshop for Sparrow UK we played around with some T-Shirt Yarn and all came up with these lovely storage bowls 

It was so different to use such a super chunky yarn and a very large hook.

I have saved the best till last.  My lovely AR, who doesn't like colour, made this rainbow blanket for her grandaughters

I am so proud of her  *big smiley face*

I have been busy, busy, busy with organising the Coach Trip to the London Knit & Stitch show, which is now only 10 days away, taking private classes & getting ready for my workshops in October which will be held from both Shillingstone & Blandford next month.

No rest for the wicked as they say!

No wonder I am so chilled as Crochet is so stress relieving!! LOL

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