Friday 11 April 2014

Hooky Creativeness Continues in Dorset - Week 14

I can't begin to tell you how PROUD I am of all my pupils.

At the beginning of the week I look at my schedule to double check on what classes I have on what days & to make sure that I have everything prepared  & ready for the needs of that workshop.

The best bit however is the magical time when my pupils arrive & open their craft bags (which get bigger with each visit) and out comes their Crochet Creations......

Just look at these fantastic Granny Squares

In class we learnt to Join as you Go or JAYGO as well as making a start on the "Loren Jumper" which is a pattern in a recent Inside Crochet Magazine.  This will be the first garment these ladies will have crocheted.

In the next class we made "Rosettes"

And in another - hearts

BP sent me in this photo of her Bavarian Crochet - she learnt this in an all day workshop that I held last Saturday

When I got a bit of free time to myself, I created this jam jar cover for a magazine

However I killed two birds with one stone as I got my next class to "Tech Edit" the pattern for me just in case there were any mistakes!!

Now for my Shaftesbury Class thanks to 
Sparrow UK

Here they all are, hooking & chatting!

And making garlands - pretty garlands

One of my pupils brought her daughter along, due to the school holidays & she made this lovely flower

With a French Knitting Doll

Isn't that just great?

AR conquered her fear of Chevrons!


And now for my "Highlight of the Week" thanks to AR

 *sending more crochet hugs and crochet love your way*

AR made me this fantastic new Crochet Hook Set & Accessories Bag

Not only is it lined

But it has pretty buttons

Is very colourful (the best way!!)

And lovely and BIG (just what I need)

The best bit is that it's also got 2 sections so I can separate my hooks from my accessories!

Isn't it just perfect! 

If you would like one of these too then let me know & I will pass on your order to AR!

Some LARGE crochet hooks


Last but not least is this wonderful Crochet Ring by SD 

I love it so much that I prompts me to make something with the ring I bought before Christmas!

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