Saturday 1 March 2014

Hooking a Job "status" Week 8

I have had a quiet week of Crochet Classes this week, which has meant that I have been able to catch up with lots of Crochet Commissions for magazines & private requests, which I am very pleased about.

However this has made me realise that I no longer really have a part time job!

I am not sitting at my desk or in the classroom from 9 to 5 but I am starting work at around 8.30am and on and off throughout the day I am either teaching or driving to a venue to teach or designing or working social media like instagram, twtitter, facebook etc. to promote my classes, online course and book until 9 or even 10 o'clock at night!

And to back that all up there are the hours that you spend designing "How To" leaftlets and patterns on word, re designing them, taking photo's, aligning it all up & finally printing them off!

I can be working on designs or swatching , tech editing etc until the early hours to meet deadlines.
I can be organising "Crochet Days" or more recently I had the silly idea of  suggesting that I would organise a trip to the London Knit & Stitch show in October, so that's been more involving that I thought it would & added to my workload!!

I more often than not eat meals at my desk and type away as I am doing now!

I take phone calls at all hours e.g. 9.40pm at night or on Sunday mornings  for class enquiries too, which I am happy to take, especially if I can convert a call into a lesson - so what "time" scale do I put on my job?

And on top of all this, as I now run a "small business" well "very small business" I have accounts to keep / excel sheets to keep updated & HMRC to communicate with! PHEW!!

Part / Full time? 
Medium time?
Crochet time?


What would you call it?


Fancy a day of Bavarian Crochet?


And now for something a little different from Crochet but still pretty all the same:

All Year Round Bunting

I have just popped along to Amazon & on the 23rd January 2014 my book reached 8,745!! That's not bad for a self published, self promoted book!

I am very pleased with my book sales and even more pleased to get positive feedback from so many people that couldn't read patterns before.


I wasn't disappointed when I went to Sparrow UK on Friday for the last of the Improvers class though!

"V" has this fantastic eye for colours

& "S" has a great way with Amigurumi

She is also branching out and becoming more adventurous !

"A" has made this lovely dolly blanket

which is totally adorable & I love the colours she's chosen too!

Homework was to practice "Chevrons"

And this is what they came in with!  Aren't they clever?

 "P" is doing well with her Granny Squares & colour changes

And "V" has made this iPad Case from simple double crochet which is very tactile

 We were yet again offered delicious home baked cakes

And "SE" has started on some flowers for a Garland

Can you see why I love my job so much?


And finally

I finished my "Loren" Jumper from Issue 49 of Inside Crochet

And my new Issue 51 arrived today with this "Crochet Tidy" pattern of mine

I love this "Tidy" as you can use it in so many places - your baby room, craft room or even your bathroom!
You may have to hook more than one!


  1. Wow Ali - you really are a busy lady. I can totally empathise with your daily routine as it's pretty much the same for me too. I gave up quite a high level career 3 years ago and I know could earn a big salary if I went back to it, but I love my knitting and crochet and especially teaching others. When they produce the sort of projects that you've featured above, it's really satisfying. It's great to make people smile and feel proud of their achievements. Good luck, keep it up and enjoy it :) Have a great weekend, Lynne x

    1. Wow thanks for your replies Lynne - I feel honored as I have been a big fan of yours for ages (the truth is now out). I love the designing & all the other bits but the teaching, although the most demanding, is the most rewarding for me. Hope you have a great weekend too xx

  2. PS - your book is doing extremely well, you must be so proud especially as you've self-published. I keep checking my book and the highest it got on one day was about 45,000 - now it's slipped again, so well done you :), Lynne


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!