Sunday 1 December 2013

What a difference 0.25mm makes! Day 335

A day all to myself - crochet wise that is.  I decided to start hooking sock 2 of 2 from Inside Crochet Magazine Issue 47 by Rohn Strong.

These socks are going to be for my husband as I am always raving about my 7, or is it 8 pairs of Crochet socks & I haven't made him any yet.

So out came my wool - Stylecraft Aviemore 4ply 75% wool/25% Nylon and the hook which was fastened in the centre of the ball from making sock 1.

I really made great progress & had the right amount of stitches at the end of each round

Until I discovered this:

Yes Sock 2 was coming up larger than sock 1

It didn't take me long to realise that I was using a 3.5mm hook and not a 3.25mm!! ARRRGGGHHHHH

So I had to frog my work & order a hook from eBaY as I can't find my 3.25mm hook anywhere.

I am now up to date on my squares - It's day 335 already so only another 30 days to go.

My latest issue of Inside Crochet has arrived & it has so many wonderful patterns to hook in it.  I will tell you more tomorrow so do come back for more 

Ali  x

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