Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Crochet Christmas!

Here it is!

The Twitter Blanket

Square a Day Challenge for 2013

Is finished - Hope you like the border

Which I love!

And as you can see

Scrumpy likes it too 

Will you be joining in the 2014 Blanket Make?

I am thinking Triangles!

I am going to do a JAYGo
but you can make them individually & join later!

Any finally - have you got your latest copy of Inside Crochet yet?

Issue 49 is here & my Crochet Valentines Heart Garland is on the front cover!!

They are 3 dimensional & they twirl around so you can see all 3 colours used to make each heart!

And there's also my "Bag of Colour" in this issue too!

I love this bag and so glad that I have it back - I can't wait to start using it.

 All images are copyright of Tailormade Publishing / Inside Crochet


Merry Crochet Christmas everyone



  1. thankyou for sharing the joy of learning to crochet, reading your blog, facebook page- and meeting you as a REAL LIFE person!
    Wishing you happiness,
    Elaine xx

  2. Thank you Elaine. This is the bestest ever comment I have ever had. I wish I could give you a great big hug right now xxxxx


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!