Thursday 5 December 2013

Days 338 & 339 - Sparrow UK & more

I got this "TWEET" this morning

Marie @Bluebellsbliss
@CrochetAli just bought your 'crochet for beginners who want to improve' 1st bk for my kindle, your step by step pictures & tips are great!

Isn't that nice of Marie to let me know!


Now to go back to Wednesday Morning

I took the last class of the Beginners workshop at Sparrow UK in Shaftesbury

Here they all are raring to go

And after a slice of this delicious Gluten Free Victoria Sponge with home made lemon curd

They got their hooks out 

And learnt my favourite method of joining


or Join as you Go

And they all did terribly well

As you can see by their faces they are all thrilled!

And so am I - with their fantastic progress.
(can you see that most of the cake has gone?)

Today is 339 & I have made squares 338 & 9, I promise.

I just need to join as you go to my Twitter Blanket now 

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