Sunday 24 November 2013

Squares 325, 326, 327 & 328 + Filofax Cosy & Warm Heart Crochet

After a very hectic week, I have finally managed to catch up with the squares that have been missing from my Twitter Blanket!



One of the reasons that I was hectic is because I had a commission via ETSY for my Filofax Cosy

& here it is

If you would like a FAB cover for your Filofax / Personal Organiser then click here

And finally
Warm Heart Crochet

Please show your Crochet Support by making a square!


  1. I'm afraid the kitchen notepad is my personal organiser! I do love the cover you've made, especially the little inner triangles.
    I ordered my squares book from Amazon within 10 minutes of arriving back home on Thursday (sad eh?) so hopefully it'll arrive today

    1. LOL Elaine, I expected nothing less from you re: book purchase ;0) Looking foward to seeing you on Thursday x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!