Tuesday 19 November 2013

Days 322, 323, Giveaway, Newsletter & More


My good friend & fellow Crocheter from the US - SARA DUGGAN aka Momwithahook is about to launch her new book

"Yes you CAN create Crochet Patterns"

If you'd like a chance to win a copy then here is the rafflecopter code: 

The giveaway starts 
November 19th 2013
at 2400 (12Midnight) PST (california, usa) 
 ends Friday November 22 at 2400. 

10 copies of the book - so 10 winners.

My latest newsletter has just been published - if you'd like to take a look then click HERE

I am making a pair of socks for my husband.  I have never made socks from the cuff down before so it's a new experience for me, however it's all going well so far & it's hand having him close to hand so that I can make sure it's a bespoke fit!

Today's morning crochet class

We revisited working in rounds

To make sure it had all sunk in 

And we then went on to making Granny Squares!

Which they really enjoyed.
They made up to 3 rounds in class & have homework of making at least a 5 round one to bring to class next week!

I have yet to make yesterdays square & today's for that matter.  I have another crochet workshop to take this evening so hopefully I will have time to catch up between now and then!

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