Thursday 10 October 2013

Poodle at Crochet Class - Day 283

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Found this picture on Twitter this morning - 

how's this for yarn bombing? Just yarn bombed scaffolding outside my yarn shop!!!
And that yarn hop is which is in Worthing, West Sussex.

If you look to the left of this page, you'll see that I design for Make & Craft Magazine - well right there on the front cover - top right - are my Christmas Socks!!

Make and Craft magazine subscription

How fab is that!

Today's Class / Workshop had an added pupil

Meet Lilly

One of my pupils, her "mummy" had a situation at home (smoke alarms going off willy nilly) and couldn't leave her home with the noise, so she phoned me to check if she could bring her along.

Today we covered "JayGo"

or Join As You Go

And they all did

wonderfully well

They really have grasped this Crochet Lark very well!

Day 283

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