Monday 14 October 2013

Monday Day 287 - Bargain, Make & Craft and Christmas Slipper Socks

I went to a local vintage fair today and bought a few bits and bobs.

My highlight was meeting Sara Sinaguglia
who is another Crochet Designer, Teacher & Published author who also lives in Dorset

This is her blog - do go and take a look as it's FAB

We chatted crochet, crochet & more crochet. Could have chatted all day.

On the way home I passed a charity shop & spotted this great Artists Easel.  I had to have it as it was a bargain at £9.50. Once home I looked it up online - £125!

I have now ordered a whiteboard & some markers so I can use it in my Crochet Classroom.

They say good things comes in 3's and it does as my copy of Make & Craft arrived today

This is the first issue that I have a pattern in

As you can see they are these FAB 
Warming Chunky Christmas Slipper Socks

Complete with detailed photo guides

Issue 13 November 2013 is only £4.99 Get your copy here

Day 287 is a very "Springlike" yellow

However it's not Springlike today - it's chucking it down out there.

I have a Private Crochet Workshop to take this evening and we are doing Granny Squares so be sure to look back on here tomorrow to see how they got on.

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