Tuesday 1 October 2013

Day 274 - Crochet Classes Galore #2

Yes, another 4 lovely ladies came along to their 1st Crochet Class today

And learnt the basics:
How to hold the wool correctly, The anatomy of the hook, Foundation Chain, Double Crochet & even Half Trebles!

They did very well taking in so much in 2 hours

And as you can see there is a mixture of concentration & smiles, which is just how a Crochet Class should be!

Bring on tomorrow evening!!! YAY

Now that I have finished my commission which is now in the post via the rural pop up Post Office that we get in our village, I had time to make a start on my new socks which I am designing in DK which I bought from Eden Cottage Yarns

Most sock patterns are written in 4ply & I have written a sock pattern for Chunky Wool (available in my book Crochet for Beginners who want to Improve)
so I am designing this pair as I go.

Finally is Square 274

Just a little interesting fact occurred to me today, as I went to get a ball of White 100g Stylecraft Special DK from my stash, is that this is the 2nd ball I have used for the border in 274 squares!!

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