Friday 20 September 2013

The Crochet Queen has given a Regally Royal Book Review - Day 263

Gwen Blakey Kinsler aka The Crochet Queen & founder of the Crochet Guild of America, has very kindly reviewed the US version of my book
Crochet For Beginners who Want to Improve

You can read this wonderful review here

I feel very proud that someone as influential as Gwen has given me her time and my book this glowing report.
I thank you.

Now for more Crochet eLearning!

This young mans Dad "SB" signed up for my course the other day, so this cheeky chappy with the lovely smile decided that if his Dad could do it ....

Then so could he!

Just look at his GREAT double crochets!

He is my youngest pupil 

I think this Father & Son Team are going to hit the Crochet World with a bang - don't you?

Now for Crochet Class news

PB has finally finished her bunting.  YAY.

She took on board my suggestion of using ribbon to replace the normal Crochet Chain, however she improvised when she ran out of room, so she crochet "loop ends" - Great thinking.

And she added buttons too which really gives it a lift.

We then went on to the Crochet Sock pattern she's been following from my book

Her stitching is beautifully neat and consistent

And she always pays attention to detail

She "practiced" putting in the heel with not a lot of my help

And she's done a great job

She's taken it home to finish off the leg length and re - do the heel under her own steam.

Finally Day 263 - once again the yarn is thanks to Vicky Stott.

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