Thursday 26 September 2013

Day 269 - More Crochet Class action!!



 More Homework

And more!

I can't tell you how totally overwhelmed I was to see all this fantastic work, especially the last photo as this lady missed last weeks lesson, but wanted to "keep up to speed with the others" so I emailed her a pattern to follow and she did it all by herself!

In class today we worked on colour changes in Granny Squares

And different joining methods e.g. Tangled or Slip knot joins 

And how to darn in the ends as you go so you don't have millions of ends to sew in when you finish
"A lifesaver"

The top photo is the front of the work

And the one below is the back

How neat is that!

And there was no stopping them either

Their Granny Square just grew & grew!

And all the ladies have signed up for an extra workshop for the next 4 weeks too.

Needless to say they are "HOOKED"

Day 269

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