Wednesday 18 September 2013

Day 261 & more news from Crochet eLearning!

"AD" aka Floozy only signed up for my eLearning course a short while ago & look at the photograph that I got sent today!

Isn't that just amazing?

I love the colours & a lot of thought has gone into it.

It's been made with Crochet Love!

SB (remember his work from yesterday?) has now progressed to Treble Crochet

What a great job he is doing - his stitches are so neat & tidy.  He's realised that he's missed a few edge stitches but what important is that he's really practicing and not giving up.
That pleases me a lot.

Remember me telling you about the balls of wool I was sent yesterday?

Well I chose my first one to use on my Twitter Blanket today

I couldn't resist the multi coloured ball with brown, white, orange & red

And it looks FAB in situ

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