Tuesday 3 September 2013

Day 246 - Transforming a boring mirror frame & Crochet Class!

Crochet Up Cycling
 This was a very boring and uninteresting mirror
that hangs in the downstairs loo.

Some of you may recognise your flowers from when you sent them to me for my mobility scooter basket?
As I have now got a buyer for the scooter, I thought it only right to save and re-use all the flowers you sent


I can now tell you that Crochet Classes have officially started again

And here are 5 of my latest Crochet Recruits all concentrating hard

Learning the basics of the Foundation Chain and progressing to Double Crochet

It was an intense 2 hours & they have all gone away with homework to practice for next week!

If any of you ladies are reading this then I hope that you enjoyed your crochet class as much as I enjoyed teaching you today.

And finally - Day 246's square

But before I go.....

do pop over to 

have a look at the fantastic "Social Media Crochet Hooks" that have been bespoke made for my by my friends son. 

1 comment:

  1. yes I did SO enjoy it, even if my brain switched off after concentrating so hard!
    Thanks Ali, looking forward to next week (I think!)
    Can I use your photo on my blog with a link back to you?


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!