Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 234 Crochet Brains & US Crochet Book Praise!

How wonderful to be able to start this blog post off with this comment to share with you 

Thanks Ali. I do mean it when I think your book is a resource. Your unique way of teaching via the Red, Amber, and Green light technique helps even someone like me who has been crocheting since '09.

This is from Sara Duggan aka Momwithahook who's very well known in the Crochet World in the US


And now for my brain!

Well it's not MY brain - it's a brain I was commissioned to crochet for a Psychology teacher!

I love the way it's turned out!

It's stuffed with toy stuffing & is squishy too.  I did look on the internet to see if I could find a pattern but all I could see were "Brain Hats" and "Brain Slugs"  What's a Brain Slug??  So I came up with the pattern myself & it will be on Etsy & Ravelry soon.

So that has left me with a little "me crochet time" today & I went straight for my jumper!

First I sewed in all the ends from the last session

Now you see them,

now you don't!

I have actually finished the sleeves & I am now working on the body again which makes a difference of 120 stitches per row! Phew.

To finish off this very fruitful day......

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