Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 227 - more website makeover!

I am having great fun making over my new website

It's been a real learning curve & I have learnt a lot.

Wordpress is so much more flexible allowing me to add widgets & HTML codes too!  It's all very basic compared to some of the websites that are out there, but I am proud of what I have achieved.

My favourite pages are:

Take a look at some GREAT blogs and website links here

My Picture Gallery

Which looks modern & uncluttered compared to my old one.

PLUS I have also added a "button" to my ETSY store & a PIN IT button too!!

I am on a roll!!

Earlier today I went to the hairdressers, so naturally I took my crochet sock WIP along with me instead of reading an out of date, moth eaten, crumble cornered magazine.  As I had hair dye in, I couldn't put my glasses on, so I had to squint & make do as best I could, but I did manage to get a few rows done!

Square 227 is being Crocheted on as you can see, using the Join as You Go or JAYGo method

And here it is!

I am running out of Row 2 yarns & wools everyone, so please feel free to send me your no longer needed 7ft lengths so I can make my Twitter Blanket even more colourful than it already is!


  1. Wow I am so envious. That's fantastic and I love your etsy button.

  2. Thanks Susan. You shouldn't be envious! Your crochet business is great! You always seem busy.x

  3. Best of luck with your new website.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!