Friday 2 August 2013

Day 214 - 2 FAB Classes! 1 Crochet Mandala Crochet A Long CAL

I took 2 fantastic Crochet Lessons today.

The first was with "PD"

We chatted so much that we nearly forgot to Crochet LOL but then she showed me her lovely Granny Triangles that she's making for Bunting - I suggested she used a contrasting colour ribbon to (A) use as an alternative to a chain & (B) give it some ZING!

We then went on to making (together) some motifs from Inside Crochet Magazine from a recent issue

As she had tried this at home but she misunderstood the pattern - so together we "conquered" it

If you have trouble reading or understanding patterns then give this book a try  You will get "whizzing" through patterns in no time as patterns are explained - long hand!

Now for the 2nd lesson with KPK

If you remember, she was working on a Mandala in her last lesson

So for homework she finished it off & look at this beauty! 

She also brought in this scarf that we started to work on a few lessons ago from Crochet Workshop Book by Erica Knight

It's coming along very nicely!!
Considering that the original reading of the pattern & putting it into practice caused a few frustrated moments!!

So today, I told KPK that she would be designing her own Mandala!!
(with a little help of course)

So we crocheted  wrote out the pattern at the same time

And this is what we came up with so far

Aren't they just amazing

This is the pattern so far...
Rnd 1:  Magic Loop or Sloppy Knot, 3ch, 11tr into 3rd ch from hook (sloppy) or into Loop. OR 4ch, join to form a ring, 3ch, 11tr into ring.
Rnd 2:  4ch (counts as 1tr, 1ch) 1tr & 1ch into each st to end. Join with a sl st into 3rd ch of 4ch.
Rnd 3:  Join a new colour.  1ch, 2dc in each ch-sp, 1dc into each tr to end. Join with a sl st to 1ch
Rnd 4:  Join a new colour directly above a tr from Rnd 2.   3ch.  4trcl (4 treble cluster) miss 2 st  *3ch, 5trcl; rep from * to end. Join with a sl st to 3rd ch of 3ch.
Rnd 5:  1dc in each of the st on top of cl, 3dc in ch-sp
Rnd 6:  Join a new colour directly above a cl from rnd 4.  3ch, 1tr in same sp.  Miss 4 st. *2tr, 4ch, miss 4 st; rep from * to end.

Come back next week for more!!

Please let me know if you are going to join in - it would be lovely for me & KPK to see some photos 

Day 214 is here

And finally

This arrived in the post today

I didn't order one so I must have won a competition!! YAY

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali, that is amazing all the lessons that you have been teaching everyone! You are so talented and have a nice crochet business and are in magazines now! Hoping that you are feeling better. Have a look at my blog if you like I have my 1st day of trip posted.
    Julie from


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!