Thursday 13 June 2013

Days 163 & 164 - Been a busy bee!

I know, I know I normally blog every day, but yesterday I got caught up totally with adding to Crochet eLearning Course 3 - The Finishing Touches!

I had already made a start a few weeks back and added to it here and there, but yesterday I decided to record another video tutorial & it took forever to "save" on my ancient laptop, so it was my technological hardware / software that was more laboured than I was!

I left it all on overnight and thankfully by this morning it was all loaded and ready to 
Wool 'n' Hook
(a take on Rock 'n' Roll)
do  you like that??

This morning I went to a LOVELY location, only a short drive away, to discuss holding Crochet Workshops for them - I do hope that it works out as it sounds like so much fun!

Anyway, I am still waiting for Yarn to arrive, yes Yarn not Wool as I know it's not actually wool that's being delivered, so I continue to write and test my patterns


There were 2, yes 2 soft and squidgy parcels in my post basket (it's an old shopping basket which has come in really handy as a lot of my post seems to be bulky)
this afternoon - YAY

I opened both with excitement as soon as I had finished lunch & got to work listing the colours / shades etc. with the names from the stockists website & then I got to work on making


did you think I was going to spill the beans then hehehe

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!