Friday 7 June 2013

Day 158 - So MUCH to share today

The lovely PD came for her Crochet Lesson today & I taught her how to 

Join As You Go!

She picked it up so quickly, I couldn't even say "get your hooks out"

She was so thrilled with the results

That I taught her how to make my 1, 2, 3 Square

As you can see I made my Square for Day 158

Whilst she made her square

And her challenge is s to repeat the 1,2,3 square from what she's made PLUS make some more so that she can practice her Join As You Go at the same time!!

She also practiced pattern following from Inside Crochet Issue 41 - she did a great job here too!

See you in 2 weeks PD - I am looking forward to it already.

 This afternoon KPK arrived

With her part finished socks


During the lesson we had a torrential downpour


a massive clap of thunder & lightening

so after checking that it was ok I went to fetch Scrumpy who doesn't like the thunder claps

So he came to join us!

& at that moment we also had a power cut!


Not only that by my iPhone was on very LOW power so this

And this were all the photo's I could manage

Fortunately by the time KPK got home (she also lives in the same village)

Power was restored & she managed to get

these photo's to me via Twitter

So shes' finished 1 sock, just one more to go!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali, funny we too are having heavy down pours of rain here too all day and they say even heavier rain for tonight. I hope we don't loose our power!
    Take care and have a good weekend.
    Julie from


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!