Wednesday 29 May 2013

Day 149 - Make and Craft Magazine

Have you seen this magazine??

Make and Craft Magazine - Current Issue

It's a great addition to your Craft Addiction and includes Crochet Projects!!
I will be designing something special for their Christmas Issue so if you don't want to miss one of my patterns & 
If you want to take advantage of a great offer then click here!

Make and Craft Subscription 

I have also set up a new TWITTER account today, especially for my eLearning Crochet Course

So if you would like to connect on Twitter please click on the photo below

or find me on Twitter by searching  @ELearnCrochet

Now.... know how frugal I am & if you don't I am telling you I do like to "make do" & my Square A Day project has been no exception!

Not only have the lovely twitters been sending me their "ends",  I have also been joining the leftover ends together..... nothing goes to waste!

Once again my thanks goes to Alina @smooogle

If you have any odds and ends please let me know as I can put them to very good use - thank you!


  1. Thank you for the lovely post! Joining the ends for multi-coloured flowers makes a great effect. Very effective and thrifty!

    1. A pleasure Katherine! I recently made a "bitsa" blanket - made from bits of wool (bitsa - get it?) for my bitsa puppy (he's a bit of this & a bit of that) but it turned out so nice I can't bear to give it to him!! LOL. :0)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!