Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day 142! Special Delivery

Day 142 has been a busy one!

I got a Special Postal Delivery of these lovely colours from Alina @smooogle on Twitter

So I used one of them to make today's square & I will use the others in the coming days, so thank you so much Alina!

I have spent most of today creating more of Course 3 on my Crochet eLearning Course & here's a sneaky peak of one of the photo's

What is this you may well ask?!? Well you'll have to enroll in Course 3 to find out, but don't go rushing off yet, it's not ready to publish at the moment  - there's lots more to be added including patterns to download, finishing touches & more tips & tricks!

So watch this space - I will announce the launch as soon as I can.

If you don't already have the links to my eLearning courses they are as follows:

Course 1 - The Basics 

Course 1 - The Basics for Left Handers

Course 2 - The Next Step

Coming Soon
Course 2 - The Next Step for Left Handers
Course 3 - Finishing Touches +

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!