Tuesday 14 May 2013

Day 134 - Not a lot to report - Sorry!

I put my socks in the wash today, and they came out like this!!

They look like socks for a Pixie!

However I am pleased to report that they still fit ok! Phew!!

Day 134 is this lovely Pure New Wool Green Flower

And my Jumper is progressing!

I have spent most of today's rainy day working on my book & writing a submissions letter to publishers.

I managed to get 6 done plus one email, but I didn't get to the post box due to the rain as it was SO bad!

There's always tomorrow.


  1. They still fit!!!!!?????? I'm a bit worried about your feet ;-)

  2. Hi Ali, wishing you all the best with your book and I love the decorations on your scooter! Take care, Julie - USA


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