Wednesday 8 May 2013

Day 128, Flower Power & Book Update

My Flower Power thanks today goes to @smooogle from Twitter who sent me these perfectly crochet flowers by post today.

I can't wait to get started on yarn bombing my Scooter - I might even do that tomorrow!

 Day 128 is this multi colour flower that was made with 2 strands of Regia sock yarn.

I am fast running out of new colour options!

And now for my Book Update....

I spent a good portion of my day adding more patterns & pictures to my book, which will be aimed at Beginners that want to IMPROVE their Crochet, so I am writing & designing patterns to do exactly that, as I feel that at this point of ones Crochet Journey the Beginners to Improvers, often get overlooked.

I have never written a book before and this is a very exciting experience as I will be self publishing my work, unless of course there is a Crochet Publisher out there that would like to take me on??

Who Knows!!


  1. Hi Ali, wow that is so exciting that you are now going to publish your own crochet book. You are amazing and good luck with it! Julie - USA

  2. Good for you with the book. It annoys me how in every book 9and magazine) there is loads of info about basic stitches....Good luck


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