Monday 27 May 2013

Bank Holiday Weekend - Days 145, 146 & 147 + more

Well it's been a lovely weekend here in North Dorset

The Sun has been shining

The Crochet Hook has been out


As you can see I have kept up to date with A Square A Day! YAY
All thanks to @smooogle AKA Alina from Twitter whose wool supply is still going!

As it was so nice outside, I took my sock WIP that I am making with one of my pupils out to the sun

I love this Regia Sock Wool

And it's crocheting up beautifully

I have also been working on my eLearning Course 3 - soon to be published, so watch this space!!

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!