Sunday 7 April 2013

Days 95, 96 & 97 + so much to tell you!

My good friend back in Surrey sent me this postcard via Facebook!

If you don't know it already, here's my Facebook link

On a more serious note!

Have you read what my pupils have said about my e Learning course?

Well to save you clicking on the tab above, here it is

What my pupils say!
As somebody in full time employment and mother to a 2 year old, I don't have the time or opportunity to attend crochet groups or classes. At the start I tried to teach myself from YouTube videos but didn't have anyone that I could ask questions or show my work to. So when I saw Ali advertising her e-course I signed up straight away and have enjoyed it so much that I have already enrolled on Course 2!

The information is clear and easy to follow and the videos are an added bonus, add this to the fact that Ali is always prompt in replying to questions or posts, and you have an amazing course. I would definitely recommend it to others! 

From RH

After a few failed attempts to teach myself how to crochet from a book I saw a retweet on Twitter from someone offering a course where you could learn from the comfort of your own home. 
I was getting quite frustrated because it was something I really wanted to learn but just couldn't get the hang of on my own. I signed up and let it sit on my computer for a couple of weeks through fear of yet another failed attempt. Then I treated myself to a decent crochet hook, picked up some yarn from my knitting stash, locked the husband out of the room and settled down in front of my laptop with my determined head on.
After only a short while I was crocheting! I could make a foundation chain and I could do a line of double crochet! Ali Campbell is amazing in my eyes. Her videos are clear, her instructions are concise and you can pick it up and put it down when ever you want to. 
There is no time limit to this course. By that evening I had managed to do something that I had wanted to do for such a long time, I had made a granny square! It was all down to Ali and her course giving me the start I really needed. When I found myself doing a treble crochet I almost had tears in my eyes. The relief that I could do it after all the frustration before was amazing. 
Ali taught me how to crochet and now there's no stopping me, my first granny blanket is taking shape and it looks fantastic. Each time I pick it up and start to crochet, I think of when I signed up to Ali's course and how it was a good decision to do so.
From LB
Well done Ali. This is certainly going to work well for me. Must tell my friends because I know they will love it too. So easy to follow and no rush.... perfect!  

From JC

A photo sent to me by RH today! Isn't this the loveliest bunny ever?


I have been promoting my Crochet e Learning courses.    


e Learning Courses:

They have been a great success & I now have

Course 1

Course 1 for Left Handers 

And now there's Course 2

Left Handers version is coming soon, but in the meantime there's 

Now for some Pupils work:

One of my class students sent me this email photo the other day

She was a total beginner 2 months ago & now she's crocheting socks for her gran-daughter!

 I have decided to make Scrumpy, my puppy, his own blanket as he chewed mine the other day.

It's going to be called 

The Bitsa Blanket 

As it made from bitsa wool & he's a bitsa too!

I seem to have been teaching a lot of Bavarian Crochet last week and Friday was no exception.

"K" really go the hang of it & finished off the final row below once she had got home!

Square 95 & 96

& Square 97 

The Bitsa Blanket grows!

And finally!
I updated my Crochet shop today so if you'd like to take a look click on the link below

Thank you!


  1. I really like your itsy bitsy blanket. great colours. Where do you get the time to do all the crochet in your shop as well as everything else? Please enlighten me as to Bavarian Crochet and how this is different to other. Thanks :)

  2. Hi Ali, great job teaching all you students to crochet. Take care, Julie x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!