Wednesday 3 April 2013

Day 93, Bavarian Crochet & another WIP finished + PRAISE!

I spent a lot of today preparing a Bavarian Crochet Tutorial for tomorrow's class

 I had to translate & re write the pattern from US to UK

 Day 93 is this Grey Square - I think Grey is very underrated as I actually love this "dull" colour

I had an eBaY delivery of a few squares of leather today

And as you can see I finally finished off my Slippers

 Which I did make some time ago, from the Crochet Workshop book by Erika Knight

They are so nice & cosy, I don't want to take them of!

I might make another pair

And finally, I posted of Top Secret Project #2 yesterday & the person that commissioned it got it today & emailed me this

"Thank you so much for sending your work in - there was a huge collective gasp in the office when I opened the box! It's absolutely beautiful and everyone here has been admiring and coveting it!"

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