Wednesday 24 April 2013

Day 114 - Socks & Mentions + Crochet Days in Dorset 2013

First of all I would like to thank Zoe over at Inspired Decoration for mentioning my workshops on Workshop Wednesday today

Do pop over and take a look at what she's said!

 Now for the socks.

I had a day off today - a rare day off, so I concentrated on my socks

 There was a little disaster earlier today as Scrumpy decided to eat my pattern!

I did manage to rescue it though by piecing it all together again & then typing it up straight away on my computer to avoid this happening again!!

However I did manage to finish Sock 1

And I do think it looks rather splendid

Day 114 is this brown ensemble.  I love the colour mix of this wool!

Crochet Days in Dorset 2013
I am organising another 2 day Crochet extravaganza in June
At the moment it's planned for Friday 21st & Saturday 22nd June, however this depends on my foot operation date, which I hopefully will know soon.

The plan is for arrivals on Friday after 12noon, with Crochet starting at 1pm until 5pm.  Then you'll go to your B&B's for a freshen up & then meet at the local pub for a meal and drinks together.

On Saturday the Crochet Fun will start at 10am and after a break for lunch, which will be included in the price plus a little local walk for a breath of fresh air & take in the stunning views of Hambledon Hill & the North Dorset Countryside.  Crochet will resume until 5pm, when we will have to sadly say our farewells.

The price is £85 for the Crochet Days 

B&B & evening meals / drinks will be payable separately.

This is a great chance to bring along a pattern that you've been stuck on, the chance to learn a new technique or just join in the Crochet & Chat for over 10 hours!!

If you are interested in joining in then do email me as places are limited to 8

Hope to see you there!


  1. Thank you for sharing my post & for being my Workshop Wednesday guest :)

    1. It's me thanking you Zoe! Very honoured & proud to be your Workshop Wednesday Guest xx

  2. I LOVE your sock (s?) So colourful!

  3. I have never tried socks - but these are so beautiful, I might just have to try!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!