Tuesday 26 March 2013

Day 85 Lots more inspiration from Twitter Crochet Folk & Class News

This WIP is going to be a scarf by @ericawhiteman who's feeling the colder weather in this extended winter season - aren't we all?

@hloades sent me this great WIP


And this lovely, lovely bird feeder is from @Caffechino & is made from Twine!
The poor thing now has sore hands!!

 And now for Class news!

These beginners have completed their 4 week workshop, but wanted to come back for more!!

This is "C" who is getting to grips with colour changes in a Granny Square

And "L" who is perfecting hers

And this is "J" who despite her disability is cracking on

And these are the Granny Squares they completed by the end of the class!

Haven't they done well?
I am very proud of them all!
And Finally!

Day 85



  1. Hi Ali, great job teaching all of your students in the beginner class. They like you so much that they wanted more lessons. Take care. Julie USA

  2. I love that bird feeder! Well done on your continued classes xxx

  3. That bird table is amazing but I am not surprised fingers are sore!!


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