Sunday 24 March 2013

Day 82 & 83 Plus lots more!

Isn't this Granny Square Blanket just amazing?

It has been made by a lady who enrolled on my eLearning Course

only a few weeks ago!

You may remember these pictures

...that she sent me only the other day!

 Her progress is amazing & she's now well and truly hooked!

 I hope that these photo's will inspire others to enroll and all the others who all ready have to keep on practicing lots and lots more - I know you can do it ladies, so keep those photo's & comments rolling in!

Now for another 2 Squares for the Twitter Blanket

Both thanks to +Alithealien Crochet who sent me her scraps

And I can still guarantee that all 83 squares are made from different colours!

Now for another amazing pupil

This time she's not an eLearning pupil but one that comes to me for One2One lessons

She found a pattern that she tried to follow a few times, but for whatever reason it defeated her.
It's all down to experience of pattern reading, so we dedicated the lesson to following the pattern together, and despite going over time WE DID IT - yes we did - we got one bootie completed & then she made the other one at home all by herself!! 


I am still working away like a Beaver to complete Secret Project #2. I set myself a challenge yesterday & I complete it 100% and so far today I have completed 160% of my challenge, however with a few hours left in the day I am hoping to get to 200%, so that I can get to my deadline ahead of schedule.
If I do I will have my husband to thank for helping me along the way with puppy sitting, dinner cooking & either helping with or ignoring the  house work that needs doing (nothing tragic but its just not up to the standard that I normally strive too)

If you do have a little time to spare after reading my ramblings, do pop over to see this new Crochet Blog.

This lovely lady is a great crocheter & want's to get her own ETSY shop up and running to help support her wool addiction.  To help her on her way a few more blog followers wouldn't go amiss!

Well that's it from me for the weekend.  I may or may not pick up my hook again tonight - I probably will but after 6 hours of solid crochet today, I may not!!




Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!