Monday 18 March 2013

Day 77 - A Day or 2 in the life of a Crochet Designer #Part 2

Here is the other side of the Day or 2 in the life of a Crochet Designer, so that you won't all think it's so stressful!

As a Budding Crochet Designer, you have to knock on a lot of doors in the form of sending a lot of emails to magazines and such like, sending them photo's of what you have designed.

If what you have designed fit's their remit at the time, then you get an email reply saying something like "Yes, I like that and if you can get the pattern written, with the piece in the post by the deadline of XXXX we'll pay you £xx.   We will send you the wool / yarn, which should be with you in a few days."

So you get your pattern in tip top shape, which should already been written and ready to go e.g. tested, whilst you wait for the wool / yarn to arrive.

The wool / yarn arrives and you drool over the content of the box for about 5 minutes, as it's normally something very nice, which  you may not normally be able to afford for all of your own personal projects, but maybe the odd one here and there and after checking that the amount of  balls in the box matches the stock sheet, you get your hook out.

You put everything else to one side and get going.  Sometimes it all goes perfectly well & you sail through your design, following the pattern, but at other times, which is quite rare,  a mistake or 2  appears that you hadn't noticed before (or your tester!), despite having worked the pattern several times - hey ho - you make the corrections and you crochet on.

With the magazines & publications I have dealt with, you are sent a pattern format to follow - so that's easy.  You are also sent a copy of a contract and sometimes you have to invoice the publication to get payment, other times you don't.  As long as you read it all and follow all the correct steps then it's all quite a flowing process.

Each Magazine or Publication will have their own steps to follow and different paperwork to complete so you just have to remember which one you are dealing with!

And there you have it. The NICER side of Crochet Design !

 Now for some FAB news!

Victoria Thomas
who won the GiveAway
So a FREE Crochet eLearning course, 2 balls of Stylecraft Special Chunky & a 6.5mm hook is on it's way to her!

Now for Day 77

 Thanks to @MrsPeacoc from Twitter who sent me this lovely black sparkling number!

And finally
I know it's knitting, not crochet, but its made with wool
These are the bears that my lovely Mother In Law is making!

So Cute!


  1. Hi Ali, thanks so much for your update on everything. You are really amazing and I am so excited for you. The bears are really cute and your mother in law is talented also. Take care. Julie - USA

  2. Well I think I have found my new challenge for this year (I always challenge myself to trying something new each year). Crochet design will be this one, I've been following patterns for a while now and always wondered how to get started and getting them out for others. With the ELearning, crochet hook and yarn I shall be putting a lot of projects started to one side!


  3. Thank you both for your comments - Julie you are always so supportive when you do so much crochet & knitting yourself and lots for charity too! The bears are lovely - I hope there is one there for me!!

    Victoria, I hope you don't find the eLearning to basic for you as you sound as though you have passed the basics stage!



Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!