Monday 4 March 2013

Day 63 + A Giveaway!

If you would like to win a Crochet E-Learning Course worth £15, like this one + MORE !!

 then here's what you have to do!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Follow ALL 3 steps precisely to be in with a chance to win!

So in this GiveAway you'll get all you need to get you started as a beginner to Crochet!
Tell your Friends via Twitter, Facebook etc!!

The Stylecraft Special DK Chunky is thanks to

In my Crochet Class today, which are the ladies who wanted to come back AFTER their 4 week course for more lessons, we made a start on Rectangular Grannies!

They look great don't they!  I bet you can't tell which one is "the teachers" ??

"P" also learnt how to make a scalloped edging on her Join as You Go Pram Blanket & "R" continued to tackle the sock pattern that she started to follow last week.

And here it is
Day 63

And finally

Robert Bailey with his Pink Ball of Wool deckchair (c)

Here's the link to follow to find out more!


  1. Hello, I just found your blog. I'm following now. =]


  2. LOVE the chair! Off to find out more :)

  3. Thanks Ella I can see you following so thanks for that & good luck with the Giveaway!

    Knitnrun4Sanity Yes the chair is GREAT isn't it. - I want one!!! :0)

  4. I already follow you but through a news reader type thing :p Love your blog :D

  5. Wowee what a fabulous giveaway. I don't have a twitter account (far too old fashioned for that) but hey ho two out of three isn't bad. Thank you for the chance to win such fab prizes.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!