Monday 25 February 2013

Day 56 Lots to tell you!

 This is what I was up to last night whilst watching TV.  I saw this page on the WWW about those Russian Dolls & this lady who crocheted a blanket on that theme and I really liked the end result.  I wanted to save the page, then my computer crashed & all was lost so I had to make my own version up.  The Roses in the middle were relatively easy to invent but the leaves were more complicated and took a little working out.  More later.....

Today I got my sewing machine out

 It was lovely to sit at the table and work away, turning that old handle and look out of those lovely windows that let in a HUGE draft but I live in an old house so that' what I have to live with!

If you remember, 4 weeks ago, I started my 4 week workshops?  Well some of the ladies from that course wanted more so I had to schedule in some extra classes for them for the next few weeks.

This is the Project bag that "R" is making - last week she had only just started to join it all together & look at it now!
 Apart from lining it and adding some handles it's ready to go!

Below is a baby blanket that "P" is making
 She couldn't quite get her head around Granny Squares last week, but look at her now!!

She's not only making Granny Squares but joining them as you go too!

And in today's class we followed a pattern together - one that they have to finish off by themselves for their homework!
If you would like to learn to Crochet but can't get to one of my classes then there is always my Crochet eLearning Course available here

Day 56 Square is here

Along with the other 55

Now back to the Roses.....

As you can see from this photo, the center 3 petals are fixed / flat and I wasn't sure that I liked it that much

Can you make it  out in the yellow better?

So I have decided to "FROG" or undo them all to this stage and re work them all so that the three central petals are raised.

I am pleased with this result so I now have lots of roses to re make!


  1. Love the roses ali, are you going to publish the pattern.
    Nicky x

  2. Your students' work looks wonderful! You must be a great teacher :-)
    I like your rose squares; congrats on figuring out how to make your own. I can't write patterns myself so I just make the ones from
    Your granny a day is looking wonderful!

  3. I haven't had much chance over the last few weeks to read blogs. I've really enjoyed catching up on yours :D Loving the tutorials and news about your classes. Also love the roses. Already been recommending you to friends ;)

  4. Hi & thanks for your comments - I don't know if I am going to publish the pattern yet - everytime I make a new one I seem to perfect it, so you might have to wait!
    If I do publish the pattern you'll all be the first to know!
    Thanks again for stopping by xx


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!