Thursday 21 February 2013

Day 52 + UK Crochet

 I came across this beautifully written Guest Blog  on Miss Beartrix Blog by @claireabellemakes on twitter, who very kindly mentions my You Tube videos.

As you are probably aware by now, I am trying as hard as I can to promote UK Crochet and UK Crochet patterns written by UK pattern writers & designers in UK Crochet terms.

I keep on stumbling across UK crocheters who crochet in US terms and whilst there is nothing wrong with that I have to ask WHY?

WHY?  Because we have a perfectly good and easy to understand UK Crochet system to embrace and share with one another.

My You Tube videos are all in UK Crochet Terms and I have been told that it's "refreshing" and "a nice change" to hear a "British Voice" explaining the stitches in UK Crochet, rather than having to sit, watch, try out the stitches AND translate from US to UK & my eLearning Crochet Course in UK terminology, are all in UK Crochet terms, so you don't have to translate & it's one less job for you to do.

For example - there are loads of "crafting" magazines out there - you pick them up because they look pretty and appealing on the newsagents shelf, and  you see CROCHET PATTERN emblazoned on the front, so you simply must have it, go to the till, fork out £5 & take it home.  Once home, you sit there smuggly after making a nice hot drink, go to open mag, find the page the crochet pattern is on and it's like this great big cloud has just hovered over your head and is about to burst lots of rain onto your newly washed & styled hair - yes, you've guessed it - the pattern is written in US crochet terms.  This has happened to me - has it happened to you?  Well actually it USED to happen to me because I stopped buying magazines that I didn't know & started to buy (a few years ago now) Inside Crochet magazine which is not only packed with fantastic inspiration and tantalizingly colourful crochet works of art for you to either drool over or make, but it's written totally in UK Crochet Terms! YARNTASTIC.

All I am trying to say here is that we have UK Crochet so USE it!!

That's another reason for my eLearning course.  With all this confusion being shared with me, I had to try to do something about it, hence the eLearning course, which is getting more and more popular, day by day.

And in other news.....

Thanks to Michael who chats with me on Twitter & Google+ I have this to share with you....

Did you know there is a crochet connection to narrow boats? Traditionally they had crocheted doilies to act as curtains on the circular portholes

I have a new Crochet Pupil today - she told me that she was taught to crochet over 30 years ago & it was a pleasure to teach her - it's like riding a bike you see, once you learn you NEVER forget.  She just needed reminding of a few things!! We covered the basics, foundation chain, dc, htr, tr's and then went on to making Granny Squares (following a pattern) and colour changes & even join as you go! She did fantastically well and it was great for me to teach someone so keen!

 ASAD 52

 Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. You have inspired me. I am one of those crochet designers from the UK that writes patterns in US terms. Thanks to your post I am changing that. I am creating a page for my free patterns in US terms and a page for UK terms. I haven't done previously as I have found that 90% of my followers use US terms. It may take me a while (I have another chest infection) but I'll hopefully be adding all my free patterns to this page.


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