Sunday 17 February 2013

Day 47 & 48 PLUS E-Learning Crochet Course

 When I woke up on Saturday morning, turned my computer on & started to filter through my emails, my face lit up when I came across this one......


I want to tell you how happy I am that I found your blog. I spent $15 on a Craftsy class to learn to crochet. No matter how many times I replayed the video I didn't "get it". I went searching on you tube. No luck. Mind you, I couldn't even do the chain stitch because I couldn't figure out how to hold the wool in my hand and grip the little chain I was supposed to make. I am a self taught sewer and taking a college physics class and I'm being undone by a crochet hook. Thanks to you, I got it! I did my first little chain. Alright, a big long chain and I'm hooked. No pun intended. Thank you again for your excellent pics on how to hold the wool in your hand. It made all the difference between frustration and enjoyment. Your work is beautiful and something to aspire to.



 How  nice is that?

Since replying to her email, Pat has told me that she's going to practice some more & keep me posted - I can't wait to hear from her again soon.

Fun Crochet links that I have come across this weekend:

Day 47 is this shiny blue Square 

& Day 48 is 


I have also been busy producing an E-Learning course, which combines my recent Video Tutorials with lots of useful written instructions, so you are getting the best of both worlds - Reading the Written Word & Watching a Video Tutorial at the same time.


Then Click HERE

The first 10 Students to sign up using Promo Code 
will get a 10% discount

The great thing about this E-Learning course is that you can post photo's of your work and ask me questions via the comments section, so you get a teacher at the other end!!

It's not time bound, so you can work at YOUR pace an revisit as often as you need to.
You will get 3 lessons in this Basics Course with more Courses currently in production, I will have you hooked in no time!


  1. great !
    Greetings from Poland :)

    1. Hi Katarzyna & Thank you. Greetings from UK!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!