Thursday 7 February 2013

Day 38 & Feeling Organised!

My filing cabinets 

Arrived today

And aren't they just the cutest things to use in my Crochet Classroom?

I do feel terribly organised now as all my patterns & class tutorials are filed away and labelled up!

Ta - Dah

Due to my Crochet Class being cancelled today due to car breakdowns & sickness, I set myself an aim for today, which was to design, make (as in crochet) and pattern write a piece today
that's exactly what I spent my day doing.
I have only just finised sewing in all the ends and it's not ready for photographing and then emailing for submission and approval to my contact tomorrow.
So that's all I can tell you for now, so watch this space!

I did find just about enough time to make my Day 38 square for today & now I am aching all over and need to go and sit down in a comfy chair with a glass of vino!

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