Friday 1 February 2013

Day 32, Interview, Inside Crochet Magazine & Granny with a difference

Gosh there is so much to tell you at the end of this busy week and on the 1st day of a new month!!

I feel exhausted just thinking about it all!

My new AD came out in the Blackmore Vale Magazine today
And the phone has already started to ring!

& even more exciting is that I have had a mention in Issue 38 of Inside Crochet Magazine, so go to the shops, buy a copy & turn to Pg. 8!!

Here's Day 32
It's the square on the top - The Deep Turquoise / Green Colour and YES it is a new colour again, so that's 32 so far!!

I have been feeling the need to crochet a rectangular "granny" in recent days, so as I have a morning off today, I gave it a go.

After a few scribbles down on paper and a little, not very successful web searching,  I have come up with this!

I am not too sure what it's going to be yet

I might add it to my Odd Granny Square Blanket

And finally

I was interviewed by the lovely Sara Duggan recently & here it is!

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