Thursday 3 January 2013

Day 3 ASAD + More Free Tutorials

Day 3 means that I can show you how to join as you go when you come to working 3 corners together.

On square 3, Granny Shell your way across to the first corner as per the picture below

Now insert your hook into the 3 chain corner space of the Granny Square directly above

WOH and pull through to the front, then make a chain by slipping the wool you have just pulled through, through the loop on the hook
That's 1 chain of the 3 you need for a corner space

Now you have joined Square 3 to Square 2

As there are always 3 chain spaces in a corner, make a chain at this stage (so this is chain 2)

Now put your hook into the 3 chain corner space of the square to your left 

 WOH & pull through 

Then slip the wool through the loop on the hook so you have one loop remaining on your hook and you have made chain 3 for that corner space

Now continue to work your Granny Shells (three trebles) all the way around as per the pattern on Day 1

And there you have it!

Day 3

And here are all 3 squares together so far

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