Tuesday 22 January 2013

Day 22 - Crochet Lessons - Poncho Update

I had a REALLY GREAT day today

It's week 2 of my Crochet Group Classes / Workshops
so I had my students back from last week, starting with the intermediates

Here's a "sampler" that one lady made to practice various stitches

The also enjoyed the biscuits on offer!

Join as You Go Granny Squares were practised for Homework

And we covered increasing and decreasing

Along side any of the problems that the intermediates needed to cover

Now for the beginners!!

Their homework was to practise either dc or tr's in rows

And to get nice straight edges

So I fortified them with cake, biscuits, tea & coffee, as the snow came down for a second time this week

I really LOVE the way these classes are working out and my pupils are all so lovely

I borrowed this yarn from one of the intermediate ladies so that I could get a new colour square for day 22

And I have also added a few more rows to my Poncho

I always have a copy of Inside Crochet available for my students to browse through 

So a great Crochet Day
but I am now officially shattered!!

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