Wednesday 9 January 2013

Crochet Classroom Movie & Day 9

Here is my Crochet Classroom.
I do hope you like it!

As you can see, there are a lot of items immediately available for my pupils to look at, touch & feel - it will give them inspiration.  

I also have a lot of samples in a basket that will be easy for me to grab hold of and either use as an example or actually work on there and then to show them a specific point.

Then there are all my Crochet Books and Magazines, the magazines consist of some very old 1970's ones and LOTS of Inside Crochet ones,  which I will be happy to lend out for a week at a time, so between classes - A Crochet Library!

I will also have my Singer Sewing Machine available for pupils to use if they would like to attach material to a piece that they have worked on e.g. to line a bag etc. and lots of beads and ribbons for them to use to finish their projects off with.

Have I missed anything?

I still have some work to do on it e.g. putting the sewing machine on the table, fixing the lighting etc. (electrician is coming tomorrow) and there is more wool to put out on the shelves, but so far, I am really pleased with all the hard work that my husband has put into making this classroom happen for me.

Now for Day 9 Square


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Sharon - it's very nice of you to leave such a positive comment x

  2. I'll keep repeating ... notatalljealousnotatalljealousnotatalljealousnotatalljealous

    1. Hello Vikily - I am so sorry, I really don't mean to make you jealous :0(

  3. Your classroom is lovely and very inviting!

    1. Thank you for your very kind words - I am glad it looks inviting!

  4. Very inspiring! And so organized. I'll wipe the drool off my computer now...
    Pretty square colors :-)

    1. Thank you! I like to inspire and I am always organised (to my dismay sometimes) Sorry about the drool damage to your computer!! x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!