Monday 19 November 2012

GAD 324 & the blanket so far....

This is GAD 324

And this is the Blanket so far

It's now 18 x 18 squares

And I have to get it up to 19 x 19 squares to get it to 361 squares

That leaves me with the final 5 days of the year to make a border.

I will probably border it with a row (or maybe 2) of Granny Shells to keep the Granny Theme going.

Hope you like it so far too.


  1. Looks fantastic! Really impressive. You must be really proud. The border sounds good, it will look wonderful and really finish the blanket off. Just the thing to be doing after Christmas :)

    1. Thanks! I am really proud of it and I am glad you like the border idea too! Ali x


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