Tuesday 13 November 2012

Gad 317

This is GAD 317 for Monday 12th November 2012

GAD 318 is in my mind but I have yet to make it as I am so busy preparing for 2 events.

One is the Craft Coffee Morning http://www.stur.org.uk/item/sturquest-coffee-morning.html which is tomorrow and where I will be demonstrating my crochet skills and giving out leaflets (hopefully) to promote my crochet lessons.

So in the meantime I have been completing my cushions

of which there will be 2, one with a green base and one with a yellow one (currently a WIP) 

and finishing off several neck scarves that I just need to darn the ends in so that they can be available to sell at the Village Craft Fair on Saturday.

So GAD 318 will have to wait until tomorrow.

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